delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
Hiring Organization: Delta Airline
Post Name:- Lead Data Scientist
Industry:- Private
Employment Type:- Full Time
Work Hours:- 8 Hours
Salary:- ₱41000/Year
Locations:- Philippines
Company Overview:
Essential Capabilities:
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- Answerable for the turn of events and support of models and apparatuses (e.g., guaging, enhancement, execution, and so on.) delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
- Teams up with COE group and entrepreneurs to adopt an information driven strategy in distinguishing key client trouble spots, uncover experiences, and foster procedures to resolve these issues delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
- Nitty gritty comprehension of information science strategies, aligning and improving existing models, and checking model execution
- Influence arising advancements and recognize productive and significant ways of conveying significant bits of knowledge to the business
- Active involvement in information displaying, plan apparatuses, and business case conveyance
- Presents examination to business clients in an edible manner delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
WHAT YOU Want TO SUCCEED (Least Capabilities):
- 4 Long periods of Pertinent experience
- Four year certification in information science, measurements, arithmetic, software engineering or designing discipline delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
- Capability in SQL, CTE, window capabilities, fleeting information)
- Capability in Python and information centered bundles (e.g., Pandas, NumPy)
- Embraces different individuals, thinking, and styles
- Reliably makes wellbeing and security, of self and others, the need delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
WHAT WILL GIVE YOU An Upper hand (Favored Capabilities):
- Working information on measurable/AI devices (e.g., SAS, R, TensorFlow) liked
- Working information on “Huge Information” arrangements like Hadoop, NoSQL, MapReduce, and so forth liked delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
- Experience in planning information models for cloud-based arrangements from driving cloud suppliers like AWS, Sky blue, and so on.
- Self-propelled and invest heavily in building extraordinary encounters for clients, whether they are representatives or clients. delta airlines work from home jobs part time, delta remote customer service part time
- Creative in finding the information and devices you really want to take care of business
- Not reluctant to request help when you want it, or help partners when they need a lift
- Strongly inquisitive about finding an answer for the trouble spots of our clients along the whole travel insight