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Hiring Organization: Tesla
Post Name:- Customer Support Engineer
Industry:- Private
Employment Type:- Full Time
Work Hours:- 8 Hours
Salary:- ₱41000/Year
Locations:- Philippines
Company Overview:
An ideal applicant is somebody who appreciates assisting individuals with prevailing with innovation, won’t hesitate to propose upgrades in practices and items, and furthermore has perpetual persistence. They ought to very much want to learn, have the option to setting switch rapidly and successfully, effectively and have the option to speak with compassion consistently – with a favored spotlight on assisting us with supporting the worldwide security local area! part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
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- Be an essential contact for both inner and outside (client/programmer) specialized issues.
- Give specialized/arrangement backing to our client and client base through different channels: tickets, email, telephone, or potentially video visit, on various specialized subjects.
- Turn into a specialist in everything Bugcrowd: recognizing arrangements, savvy fixes or potentially workarounds for complex issues and proactively searching for areas of progress in our item suite, systems, and the organization overall. part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
- Record repeatable arrangements in our Insight Base to empower steady and ideal goals for L0 (self-administration) and L1 issues. part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
- Construct associations with different groups and divisions inside the association, like item advancement, account the executives, client achievement, and advertising, to guarantee consistent and powerful help for clients.
- Recognize enhancements to work processes to acquire efficiencies through documentation, further developed cycles and robotization.
- Make and keep up with canned reactions for reliable correspondences to clients and programmers through Freshdesk. part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
- Keep up with and oversee interior and client/programmer documentation.
You’ll work with:
- Clients and Programmers to affirm, analyze, and resolve specialized issues. part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
- Program Activities, Record The executives, and Client Accomplishment to help with Bugcrowd client program the board.
- Application Security Specialists to resolve issues raised by Bugcrowd’s programmer local area.
- Recommend as well as transfer proposed stage enhancements or documentation acclimations to the Item group. part time jobs online, can i work for tesla from home
Information, Abilities, and Capacities
- 4years experience in a Client care/Administration Work area job or related insight
- Specialized information and inclination: Capacity to acquire master information on the items and administrations Bugcrowd gives, as well as the apparatuses used to help clients, and the capacity to learn new innovations on a case by case basis.
- Client care direction: A solid spotlight on consumer loyalty, and ready to comprehend client needs and give viable arrangements.
Correspondence and Relational abilities:
- Astounding verbal and composed relational abilities, ready to impart really and assemble associations with clients, colleagues, and different partners.
- Critical thinking: Serious areas of strength for abilities settling abilities, ready to dissect complex client issues and foster successful arrangements.
- Compassion while moving toward raised circumstances; pressure and feelings run high during these times.
- Great using time effectively and capacity to adjust to moving needs.
- Scrupulousness and capacity to distinguish savvy fixes to changing and complex issues.
- Great at building solid successful working organizations and overseeing irreconcilable circumstances between different gatherings and partners.
- Using time effectively and authoritative abilities: Really focus on assignments and oversee time to meet characterized SLOs.
- Versatility and adaptability: Ready to adjust to change and work really in a quick moving, dynamic, and steadily evolving climate.
- Experience supporting SaaS arrangements, ideally in the security space.
- Capacity to work freely and step up to the plate in a remote workplace.