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Hiring Organization: Amazon
Post Name:- Sr. Account Manager
Industry:- Private
Employment Type:- Full Time
Work Hours:- 8 Hours
Salary:- ₱41000/Year
Locations:- Philippines
Company Overview:
Essential Capabilities
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Sr. Account Chief, Retail Industry Upward, Hardline Specialty Group | Amazon Web Administrations, Inc. remote jobs amazon, amazon jobs work from home part time
The Group
The AWS Hardline Specialty Retail Group is devoted to serving the innovation needs of enormous retailers across North America. Our group is energetic about driving computerized change and advancement inside the retail business, making long haul business connections of significant worth and trust. remote jobs amazon, amazon jobs work from home part time
As a feature of our group, you’ll have the potential chance to work with a spurred bunch that qualities and supports different points of view and thoughts, outfitting clients with the most imaginative and extensive arrangements.
The Job As a Senior Record Supervisor, you’ll be at the front of driving computerized change. You’ll draw in with C-level leaders, IT pioneers, draftsmen, designers, and different lines of organizations of your clients. In this job, you’ll address the whole arrangement of AWS items and administrations across the essential records you oversee inside the enormous undertaking retail market section. remote jobs amazon, amazon jobs work from home part time
With AWS, our clients benefit from the quickest speed of advancement, the broadest and most profound usefulness, the most solid figuring climate, and the most demonstrated functional aptitude.
Work/Life Concordance Our group is focused on offsetting existence with work, and we accomplish this through work independence and by focusing on arrangements and cycles that empower the outcome of our clients. This job expects travel to connect intimately with clients. remote jobs amazon, amazon jobs work from home part time
Mentorship and Profession Development Our group is committed to supporting new colleagues. We have an expansive blend of involvement levels and Amazon residencies, and we’re fabricating a climate that celebrates information sharing and mentorship. We additionally energize interest and responsibility for administration learning valuable open doors inside Amazon Web Administrations’ inner preparation and affirmation assets.
Comprehensive Group Culture Here at AWS,
we embrace our disparities. We are focused on encouraging our way of life of incorporation. We have ten worker drove proclivity gatherings, arriving at 40,000 representatives in more than 190 parts universally. We have imaginative advantage contributions, and we have yearly and continuous opportunities for growth, remembering our Discussions for Race and Nationality (Center) and AmazeCon (orientation variety) meetings. Amazon’s way of life of consideration is built up inside our 14 Authority Standards, which remind colleagues to look for different points of view, learn and be interested, and procure trust.